Refer a client to us

Who we can help
We welcome referrals from community support agencies such as the Guernsey Employment Trust and Citizens Advice Guernsey as well as Guernsey Prison and the Office for Employment and Social Security on behalf of any of their clients who have been refused a bank account or who do not have the documentation required by a retail bank.
This may include people who are intimidated by the process of opening an account.
Our easy-to-use online mimoney account comes with a debit card. Clients can use the account to receive money electronically and to make payments including standing orders (but not direct debits). The account will not accept cash deposits, and an overdraft is not allowed.
We also offer help with budgeting and provide training so that clients can take control of their finances. Small loans may be available to help with a crisis if the agency confirms the need
Unfortunately we can’t help people who are unable to understand the account management process or govern their own financial affairs and we will refuse an application if we are not satisfied that an individual will act in an honest and trustworthy way.
What we need from you as the introducing agency
Please complete a New customer introduction form.
What we need from each potential customer you introduce
A New customer application form
If possible, you should provide us with the following documents along with these forms to verify the applicant’s identity and address.
One of the following, bearing a photograph of the applicant, may be used for identification:
If the original document is not submitted, the copy must be certified by an official of the agency with the statement “I have met … [Name of the individual] face to face and I confirm that the accompanying photograph bears a true likeness to that individual. [Name of the official], [Name of the Agency], [Date on which it was signed]”
One of the following may be used to verify the applicant’s address:
If the original document is not submitted, the copy must be certified by an official of the Agency with the statement “I have seen the original of this document and I confirm that this is a true copy. [Name of the official], [Name of the Agency], [Date on which it was signed]”
We understand that not all applicants will have standard due diligence documents. If the above documents are not available, please submit any available documentation to GCS and we will discuss alternative forms of verification with the applicant.
Once we’ve received the introduction forms and supporting documents, we will arrange a client acceptance interview. Alternatively, if the interview is in person, the supporting documents can be provided at the time of the interview.
During this interview, if it has not already been submitted, we will complete the New customer application form and discuss any outstanding due diligence.
Getting started with an account
Here’s what the applicant needs to know – Quick start guide