How you can help us

Volunteer – can you spare us some time?

We’re a small team and we rely on a great group of volunteers to help us deliver our services. If you have experience in financial services, fundraising or event organising or you would just like to help out, please email us on

What our volunteers say

“The volunteering itself gives a very good insight into the lives of clients and the financial implications that they are faced with – the repercussions of not being able to open a bank account are quite eye opening.”


“I felt traumatised when I left, life can be so hard for some. I needed a glass of wine that night and couldn’t stop thinking about the client we saw.”

"Liz and Jane are not only generally very pleasant people to spend the afternoon with but are also very down to earth, empathetic individuals. From the sessions I’ve attended, it’s very clear that they both fully committed to their roles and relish the opportunity to support their clients wherever possible.“

“I loved my session there seeing first-hand the difference GCS makes to our community. More people need to know.” 

Donate to GCS

Thank you for considering donating to help end financial exclusion in Guernsey. We rely entirely on grants and donations to fund our services. 

Donate now

 £30 will cover our running costs for a day

£45 will pay our quarterly water bill

£80 will pay our monthly electricity bill

£100 will pay our rent for a week allowing us to continue to support our clients in a safe and confidential setting.

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